- Students posted fascinating questions on Question Board such as, If the earth is rotating so fast, how can an airplane keep up with it when you fly a great distance?
- Presented with the other Classroom Management Committee members a well-received workshop on constructive praise the the growth mindset.
- Student who is identified as having "ODD" and ADHD once again has their medication.
- Wrote individual paragraphs to each of my 6th graders and their parents about the student's writing ON TIME FOR PROGRESS REPORTS
- Found the Waterville High School football field (NOT EASY) on time for kickoff.
- Went zip lining with my son and father.
- Finished a readers' theater piece my students will be performing when we go to the Flagstaff Hut this week for an overnight.
- Students who were out for four days due to suspension are LOST when it comes to plate tectonics
- Just before presentation on constructive praise, a co-worker told me that she has known about this for years and it's a complete waste of time for her.
- As I was writing comments about my 6th graders' writing, I discovered one student had not put a single piece in her portfolio. I admittedly did some head scratching, dredged up what little I could remember about her work in general and whipped out the B.S. skills. Not proud, but hey, it's the first half of the first quarter. I'm sure I'll get to know her as a writer.
- I am concerned that I am becoming one of those teachers who would rather have a drugged quiet student who doesn't disrupt my class than a coherent student who is a pain in the neck.
- I didn't really make it to the field in time for kick off, and I missed my son score the 2 point conversion. It's okay, he made some other great plays that I saw.
- No losses in zip lining, really. My 12 year old gave me grief because I didn't get a pic of him hanging upside down. And I realized that (while breathing deeply so as not to explode in rage, and say something like, "Listen you thankless little brat...") this is one reason that people can't stand FaceBook--it's all about Look at me! Look at me! Two years ago my son couldn't have cared less about pictures, but now it's all about the post.